What Makes Mountain Ice Different?
Now that you know a bit about Mountain Ice, I bet you're wondering what makes it so different from the other products on the market, such as the popular Biofreeze and Icy Hot products.
Well, the main difference between Mountain Ice and other brands of topical pain relief gels are the ingredients! Most products do contain Menthol; however, the rest of the ingredients are composed of tons of chemicals and alcohols that leave your skin dry, itchy, and ultimately, unhealthy.
Mountain Ice changes all that with its unique form of all natural ingredients. The combination of the various natural elements from the earth all puts together a blend that will relieve pain on the spot and will never leave your skin with any messy residue.
Pre-order Mountain Ice today to see just how effective our pain relief gel is! You can do this, simply by calling: 1-888-687-4334